Archive for the ‘Family’ Category

Last day! 

Sixth grade and third grade came to a close last week, and summer set forth with a trip to Gramma’s house. 

Happy Easter! 

After many weekends on the road, we decided to stay at home for Easter. Tom and Katie joined us for brunch, and my dad drove down from Nebraska. Happy Easter to all! 

Owen fix

With bonus Ryan and August…

Christmas 2016

We were joined my mom and Dave and Gramma and Grandpa Great for Christmas Eve at our house in Kansas again this year. Santa found the kids, despite a year of rather questionable antics… 

Then, on Christmas morning, we headed north to spend a few days with Bryan’s family.

Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! 

Santa knows. 

We ran into Santa in Elmwood a couple of weeks ago. Requests included a new phone, a puppy and a motorized dirt bike. (I’ve sent a letter in follow up.)

Olivia’s ninth birthday (rocked)

Early this year, Olivia settled on a mineral and gem party for her ninth birthday. I was on board in a big way (80 percent of what I’ve acquired in the last year has been gold, and the rest I’ve spray painted to match).  

We gathered with family in Nebraska over Thanksgiving and then celebrated with three of Olivia’s friends last week. 

At nine, Olivia is sweet and smart. She’s remarkable empathic, always inquiring about my day, and truly listening to my response. She knows just when to deliver a hug or a little love note. 

She’s also driven, and she’s set her sights high. She makes decisions for herself with the certain fact she’s a “pre-president.” (Also, a future mom, a “scientist-doctor,” and artist.) 
Happy day, Liv. I hope nine is your best year yet!

Happy Halloween!

Gramma’s fall 2016 collection includes Cruella DeVille, Owen the fire chief, and the Queen of Hearts–another triple in the books!

Ava’s black dress is absolutely gorgeous – this will definitely be a staple for this girl in the coming months.  She was afraid her wig made her look a little bit crazy – but I reminded her that her muse was indeed insane.

When Olivia opened her costume, she proclaimed it the best yet. I might have to  agree.

And sweet Owen. When I asked him to smile, he told me “firemens don’t smile.” (Later, when I told him that firemen don’t cry, he said “they do when they are children.”)

This kid LOVES his costume.

Thanks so much, Mom! Happy Halloween, everyone.

Homecoming in LFK

We celebrated KU’s homecoming last week with a parade on Mass Street. Katie and I may have shed a tear or two (as one does when a marching band plays during a parade), but all four kids had a blast.

Gramma and her boys 

A little bit of Minnesota love